My Bio
A transformative journey
I started practicing Pilates, Body Balance and Hatha Yoga in 2008 in Orleans, to relieve chronic back problems since my teenage years, especially during and after my 4 pregnancies. I discovered Vinyasa with an inspiring teacher, Angelique Marteau, practicing at an intermediate level 3 hours a week for 3 years, and really enjoying the benefits of her practice.
When I arrived in KL in 2017, I immediately enrolled in a 200-hour teacher training with Delphine Douard, which included Hatha, Iyengar, Vinyasa, Ashtanga... techniques, with a deep focus on the Asanas.
Teaching yoga became a transformative journey on many levels and I felt that I had found a life path. As a lifelong student, I discovered integrative yoga classes with Maya Milcent who introduced me to Yogshakti Studio. I was very interested in this different approach and I learned a lot from Shilpa Ghatalia about tensegrity, spinal freedom, philosophy, meditation, breathing, Yoga Nidra...
I have registered for the 300 hour teacher training in 2019 and continue to teach, go to classes and study to add to my practice and understanding. Dr. Bernadette de Gasquet has also been a great influencer for my practice through her books. I was very happy to be able to host a workshop with her in KL in August 2019, called "Yoga Without Damage".
I am also passionate about spirituality, personal development, alternative healing techniques, health, nature and ecology.
I am happy to give private yoga classes in English: face-to-face, online, retreat, workplace....